Plant These to Help Bees

Spring is upon us!

This comes as a welcome relief to many across the country. Spring in the northern states means warmer weather, sunshine, and the beginning of planting season. The world becomes green again.

Yet just what do you plant? There are so many choices. Maybe you’ll go with a vegetable garden, maybe a fruit tree, or maybe you want to plant some native trees and shrubs. Whatever you choose, you may consider supporting pollinators in your efforts. It’s easier than you think, even common plants you have in your yard can be good for bees and other pollinating insects.

This colorful illustration lists several plants you may consider.

bee plants

If you’d like a poster of this illustration, you can buy them on Etsy. (×20-plant-these-to-help-save-bees)

Gardening is a great springtime activity for adults and kids alike. And if you want even more fun spring activity ideas, check out this post from last year or this neat article from

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